I'm back! as I've said on my previous blog post, I'll be adding another entry here on my blog about the friendship grew during our stay at Golden Acres. :)
The Circle of friends of ours, started as the number of volunteer nurses at golden acres increases. It started with May and her recruited classmate Richelle and me. A month after Sed started his duty at G.A. a week after, Van was called by the center and allowed her to start her duty. The same week, Zeus' ID and permit was already available at the center's office, so I told him about the good news, that is why the following week, he also gone to g.a to begin his volunteer service and so we were six.
But since Richelle needed to end her service at the center to work aborad, the five of us stayed and still continued our volunteer service at golden acres; and we were able to get to know each other more through sharing our different life stories, characters and attitudes, open forums etc, then the bonding started inside and outside the center with the five of us or sometimes together with Sir "Kuya" Sonny and other staff.
More volunteer nurses came, but the five of us, May, Sed, Van, Zeus and I stayed stronger, even though we were not closing our circle of friends with just the five of us. Thus the Group name FANTASTIC FIVE and Friends was created and sometimes called The Power Rangers named after Sed's reminiscence of his favorite TV series during his childhood days which also happened to be our favorite TV series before. Then we set our color assignments according to our favorite power ranger characters:
May as Pink Ranger
Sed as Blue Ranger
Van as Yellow turned Pink Ranger
Zeus as Black Ranger
and Me as Red Ranger
It's Bonding Time!
Now it's time to show what we do when boredom strikes inside the center. :)
As we dropped by at the center after the People's Day at Heart Center
Outside Golden Acres
Manila Zoo and MOA Trip
Redbox - Trinoma
It's Showtime!
Birthdays :)
The pictures shown above only shows how strong our friendship is, not only between the five of us but also with other friends around us.
Thank you for reading this entry. all pictures shown above come from May's album on her facebook. Have a great day. :)